Carillon Symposium
Lectures in the Curt-Sachs-Room of the Musical Instruments Museum, Berlin


flyer1.JPGSaturday, May 26

10 a.m. - Jeffrey Bossin, Berlin, Germany
The Carillons of Berlin and Potsdam.


11 a.m. - Gijsbert Kok, The Hague, Netherlands
Music for Carillon - What Should the Carillonneur Play?


Sunday, May 27

11 a.m. - Geoffrey Armitage, Husbands Bosworth, England
The History and Present Day Practice of Bellcasting and Tuning.

12 p.m. - Koen Van Assche, Louvain, Belgium
The Art of Playing the Carillon: a Short Histoty of the Various Playing Techniques.
(in English)


1 p.m. - Geoffrey Armitage, Husbands Bosworth, England
Carillon Construction and Maintenance.

Admission to the lectures is free!

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